Calendar of Events

This Calendar primarily includes events organised by the Society but some events,
arranged by kindred organisations, that might be of interest are included.

[{"@context":"","@type":"Event","name":"AAS meeting via Zoom","description":"Dr Emyr Roberts, formerly the Director General of Education and Skills for the Welsh Government and formerly the Chief Executive of Natural Resources Wales, who will discuss \u201cThe Enclosure of Common Land in Anglesey in the nineteenth century \u2013 a work in progress\u201d.","image":"","url":"","startDate":"2021-04-16T19:00:00-07:00","endDate":"2021-04-16T20:00:00-07:00","duration":"PT1H","eventAttendanceMode":"","location":{"@context":"","@type":"Place","name":"Zoom","description":"","url":"","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","streetAddress":"","addressLocality":"","addressRegion":"","postalCode":"","addressCountry":""},"telephone":"n/a","sameAs":""}}]

Events in April 2021

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
29th March 2021
30th March 2021
31st March 2021
1st April 2021
2nd April 2021
3rd April 2021
4th April 2021
5th April 2021
6th April 2021
7th April 2021
8th April 2021
9th April 2021
10th April 2021
11th April 2021
12th April 2021
13th April 2021
14th April 2021
15th April 2021
16th April 2021(1 event)

7:00 pm 8:00 pm
16th April 2021

17th April 2021
18th April 2021
19th April 2021
20th April 2021
21st April 2021
22nd April 2021
23rd April 2021
24th April 2021
25th April 2021
26th April 2021
27th April 2021
28th April 2021
29th April 2021
30th April 2021
1st May 2021
2nd May 2021