Calendar of Events

This Calendar primarily includes events organised by the Society but some events,
arranged by kindred organisations, that might be of interest are included.

[{"@context":"","@type":"Event","name":"Day School: EXCAVATIONS AT PARC CYBI, HOLYHEAD","description":"AAS Day School in association with Gwynedd Archaeological Trust A day of talks investigating the archaeological discoveries at Parc Cybi and their wider context Jane Kenney (GAT): Discoveries at Parc Cybi Alison Sheridan (National Museums of Scotland): later Neolithic pottery across Britain Frances Lynch: multiple cist barrows Tim Young (GeoArch): early smithing David Hopewell (GAT):…","image":"","url":"","startDate":"2020-02-08T09:30:00-07:00","endDate":"2020-02-08T16:30:00-07:00","duration":"PT7H","eventAttendanceMode":"","location":{"@context":"","@type":"Place","name":"Ucheldre Centre","description":"","url":"","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","streetAddress":"Millbank","addressLocality":"Holyhead","addressRegion":"","postalCode":"LL65 1TE","addressCountry":""},"telephone":"n/a","sameAs":""}}]

Week of Feb 8th

  • 8th February 2020 (1 event)

    9:30 am 4:30 pm
    8th February 2020

    Ucheldre Centre
    Holyhead, LL65 1TE